Coding, Education, Making

Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino

It’s been a while since I took the old Arduino out, blew the dust off it, and yet again attempted to make something.  We’ve had a love/hate relationship, as I’ve sometimes struggled to overcome my knowledge deficits, but more on that later.

Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino

I was prompted to revisit the world of Arduino when I was recently delighted and intrigued, to be contacted by Seeed Studio, to feature their Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino on this blog.  I accepted their offer of a free beginner kit in return for this blog post….

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Coding, Education, Making

Arduino Altimeter

This is a revisit to the CanSat project to share some tips on how to use a simple MPX4115A pressure sensor as an altimeter.  In a previous post I shared how to set up the sensor to detect ambient pressure, so now that we have that data, how do we estimate our altitude?

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Education, Making

Testing SD Cards with Linux

While on holiday recently, my wife bought a 32GB micro-SD card, which she intended to use in her tablet.  Since then, it has been giving various errors, so I thought I should take it and verify its quality.

In order to test the card, we’re going to run three tests:

  1. Access Speed, to assess the card Speed Class.
  2. Drive Size, to assess if the reported size matches the actual size.
  3. Data durability. to assess that data written can be read back reliably.

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How To Take Timelapse Photos with Raspberry Pi

CanSatLogoAs part of our CanSat endeavours, we are going to use a Raspberry Pi to do some time-lapse photography as we descend after launch.  In order to do this we’ll need to configure our Pi to do this automatically.  Read on for a description on how to do this.

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Coding, Making

Exploring Arduino

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Arduino Uno by Snootlab

Arduino Uno by Snootlab

A few months ago, my local maker-space (091 labs) presented a few informal tutorials on Arduino.  Having seen it mentioned online, I decided to bite the bullet and drop by to learn more.  Shortly later I purchased the Experimenter’s Guide for Arduino, which was used during the tutorials.  Being further interested in Arduino and it’s capabilities, I subsequently bought the Arduino Cookbook, by Michael Margolis (O’Reilly).

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